Happiness - For All Humanity!

Youth Clubs turn into a haven for life

Zione posing after a meeting with fellow Youths

A notable brave person makes bold decisions in the face of adversity later to find a fresh start or a new purpose in life.
For Zione, joining Msakanene Youth Club in 2021 drew her to a new purpose kindly disapproving of her innermost fears in the successive last 3 years.
Staring back in the shadows of fellow young girls in the remote villages of Ntchisi district, many have become mothers before the age of 19 just like herself. However, their stories might be different but Zione was never ready to be a mother at the age of 16.
Amidst the surge of the 2021 Covid-19 pandemic, Zione got pregnant and she says it was a very disruptive moment in her life.

'I struggled emotionally and psychologically because we were about to write Malawi Schools Certificate of   Education--MSCE and everyone else was prepared except me.

Zione felt like her dream to become a nurse was being ripped apart tormenting her with insecurities for there seemed to be no better option to change her situation.  Otherwise, she had to learn to manage and was never decisive for marriage but decided to sit for her MSCE exams.

Five months down the line the baby was born and marriage rang bells in her ears despite her partner changing his thoughts on life-long commitment.
However, reminiscing how she got herself in the situation, Zione eventually discovered that her fears were merely consequential from proving to the World what she was not.

‘Meeting Parents or family friends at the hospital is a great risk one could take because they are too judgemental to find out you are there for contraceptive methods but the coming of UmunthuPlus provided safer private spaces for us to access Youth Friendly services.’ She said

Zione in a meeting with fellow Youths

According to Zione, the Youth club serves as haven where she feels protected and comfortable to express herself freely without fear of judgement.

Therefore, a discussion about sexual reproductive Health Rights –SRHR with team leaders for Acting Beyond: Lifelong Treatment, care and Support in HIV project at Msakanene Youth Club made her realize that her personal choices matter most.     

Being implemented by Umunthu Plus in partnership with Umunthu FM with funding from the U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief-PEPFAR, the project phased out in September 2022 but its impact lives on.

In the meantime, Zione is a popular local influencer for SRHR in her community and communities beyond.

She was brave to find her new purpose and now proudly holds the candle so high to shine a light for others and oneself.

The promising future lives her confident to keenly take an interest in youth-friendly services to maintain good health and quality overall well-being.


Yanu-Yanu Office Park
Umunthu Plus
Post Office Box 26



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