We are a local Malawian NGO registered with Malawi government and all other relevant authorities.
We are committed to empowering vulnerable youth, women and children to act around issues that affect their lives and actively participate in the development process. The organization also strives to create safe environment for all target groups with equality and inclusiveness while investing for sustainability of interventions.

In all areas of society, gender equality has become the norm and universally accepted principles of human rights
This concept extends to the recognition that girls and young women are unique individuals with rights and responsibilities similar to those of boys and young men. Empowering women and girls is essential to achieving gender equality, where females and males have equal enjoyment of their rights, resources, opportunities, and benefits. Reaching girls in early adolescence offers an opportunity to guide their development, self-discovery and identity in positive ways.

We envision a Malawi where every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive and participate in the development of their community, ultimately contributing to a stronger, more prosperous nation.

At Umunthu Plus, our mission is to empower vulnerable youth, women, and children to actively address the challenges affecting their lives while fostering equality and inclusiveness. We are dedicated to creating a safe environment and promoting sustainable development.